Monday, 28 January 2013


Welcome, Dear Guests, to today's blog.

I promised that I would post pictures of my Christmas makes, for you to see.  And seeing as yesterday was a Full Moon, here's some pictures of the moon I painted in watercolour: 


It turned out rather well and looked absolutely gorgeous and lovely mounted in a silver frame:

The painting itself was 15inches by 15 inches, so it's quite big!!
I loved painting this moon.  I used a mixture of Sennelier and Winsor and Newton watercolours which are so vibrant and tasty!  It was fascinating to watch the different colours mixing and mingling, although I could hardly wait for the colours to dry!  Patience, patience!!!!!
I'm very connected with the moon.  Some folks would say that's why I'm as mad as I am!  I'm an artist, so of course I'm a bit mad!  HAR!  Throughout the ages, the moon has been revered, worshiped and feared.  Many of the ancient stone megaliths in the UK such as Stonehenge and Callanish,  as well as stone structures in Europe and Central and South America, are thought to be linked with the moon.  It was thought that the moon drew down powers and energies from the stars, to earth.   
Moon is considered feminine, the Goddess, whereas the sun is considered masculine, the God.  The moon is linked to many of the ancient Goddesses, including Diana, Helen, Artemis, Hathor, Hecate, Kuan Yin, Isis. 
The cycle of the moon is fundamental to the life cycle of humans, plants and animals, and governs the tides. It is also thought to influence emotions. The words lunatic, lunacy and loony are all associated with the moon and "odd" or "mad" behaviours.
We had a full moon yesterday.  I managed to catch a glimpse in between the rain and the snow!  It was, as ever, magnificent.  And I did manage to have a wee howl!  Everybody should have a howl at the full moon!!!!  You'll feel sooooooooo much better!  HAR!
The moon is closest to the earth.  It travels in an elliptical orbit because it is being pulled by both the earth and the sun.  We see the same side of the moon all the time.  The moon has no light, yet we see it because it reflects light from the sun.  The moon appears to go through a cycle of birth and death as it travels in its orbit around the sun and the earth:
NEW MOON - this happens when the moon is positioned between the sun and the earth.  It is known as the "dark moon", as we can't see it.  The side of the moon facing earth is in darkness.  This phase of the moon is linked to new beginnings, changes.
WAXING CRESCENT - the moon is about 45 degrees to the earth and the sun and only about a quarter of it is in sunlight. This phase of the moon is linked to intentions. 
FIRST QUARTER - the moon is at 90 degrees to the earth and sun, and we can see that half of the moon is in sunlight. This phase of the moon is linked to decisions and action.
WAXING GIBBOUS - as the moon travels in its orbit, more than a quarter of it is in sunlight.  This phase of the moon is linked to adjustments,
FULL MOON - as the planets travel in their orbits, the alignment shifts and with the moon now in its opposite position, the side of the moon facing earth is fully lit and we can see a full moon!  This phase of the moon is connected  to completion, awareness, fulfilment.
WANING GIBBOUS - as the moon continues on its journey, about three quarters of the moon surface is lit.  This phase of the moon is linked with gratitude, sharing.
THIRD QUARTER - the moon is at 90 degrees to the earth and the sun, with half of it being lit by sunlight.  This phase of the moon is linked with releasing and letting go.
WANING CRESCENT -  as the moon continues towards it's "dark phase", it is now only around a quarter lit.  This phase of the moon is connected with rest, recuperation.
NEW MOON - and the cycle begins again!
I hope you enjoyed today's blog.  Thanks for stopping by.  I'll be posting more pictures of my Christmas makes including owls, elvises and runners.  Confused?  All will become clear!!!!
My brain is flooded with ideas and inspiration and there's a lot on the go, including naive arty angels, power animal drawings and paintings, life drawing and more moons!  I'll be posting regular updates on what I'm doing, so check back soon.

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