Tuesday, 4 December 2012

ARTY ADVENT: 4th December

Well good morning ArtyAdventers!  Today for this fourth instalment of ArtyAdvent, I am posting one of my addictions - owls!  Today for your delectation we have a lovely lino cut owl.  This is my first foray into lino cut printing and am already addicted!  It turned out rather well I think!  The printing ink is a gorgeous shimmering lilac, but the shimmers don't really come across too well on the computer!  Maybe one day!!!!

Relief printing is the oldest form of printing and is traditionally made using woodblocks with lino and other materials being used in more recent years.  Woodblock printing was first form of printing, originating in China.   The artist first draws the design onto the woodblock, then carves out the areas of the block that they don't want to be coloured. Ink is then applied to the remaining, raised surface, and the image is printed on to paper or fabric. 
This technique was widely used throughout East Asia, for printing fabric and papers. 
Ukiyo-e is the best known type of Japanese woodblock prints which were produced between the 17th and 20th centuries, depicting landscape.  Hokusai was one of the most prolific artists of this time.  The Great Wave is one of his most recognised designs.  
Woodblock printing was widely used throughout Europe from the 15th century and totally transformed the publishing industry. 
As for me...
I'm off to try out some more lino cutting!
I hope you enjoyed today's ArtyAdvent.  If you want to leave a comment, click on the "no comment" text at the bottom of this post.  I still don't know why it says "no comment", but it still does!
Thanks for stopping by.  See you tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Ah such a lovely owl and I can't tell you how much I am loving this. You are full of surprises Mrs!Your creativity knows no bounds! See the wee post I did today linking to you. Very excited about what is to come! Jo xx



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