Here's a close up:
I love a bargain and got a HUGE set of Sennelier watercolours for a ridiculous price and have been wanting to test them out for ages. And boy o boy are they lovely paints! It took a whole load of restraint and a bag of crisps (o, and a crunchie) to restrain myself from eating them! The colours are sumptuous!
This painting took a while to make today, as I was building up the layers of colour. Some folks reckon that watching paint dry is a rather boring pass-time. I absolutely disagree! I love watching all the colours blending and flowing across the paper and seeing how it all turns out when it's dried.
Stars start their life as clouds of dust and gas that accumulate to form a mass. This mass is mostly hydrogen. Gravity causes the masses of hydrogen to collapse inward towards its core, which results in nuclear reactions - the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium which releases huge amounts of energy. This is partly why stars are seen to "shine" in the sky.
I believe we are all stars here on earth, that we all have a light to share with the world. And I hope that ArtyAdvent is helping to add some light to your life! And so, Dearest ArtyAdventers, may you all Shine Bright.
Thanks for stopping by. I'll be back tomorrow with more ArtyAdvent.
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